Tattoo Artist

Tattoo Artist
So, you have made the big decision. You are going to take the leap and get a tattoo. You have thought carefully about the design you want to get, and have set aside enough money to get the job done right.

Now, it's time to choose the artist who will do your tattoo.

Taking the time to choose the right tattoo artist is an important step. It might seem like more trouble and bother than you want to deal with. But it won't matter how great the design you chose is if the artist doesn't do a good job creating a tattoo of that design. And, if the tattoo artist doesn't do it right, there's really no going back to fix it.
Tattoo Artist
Tattoo Artist
Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing a tattoo artist.

Experience Counts

How long have the tattoo parlors in your area been in business? And how long have the tattoo artists in those parlors been doing tattoos?

It might be worth your while to visit some local tattoo shops. While there, feel free to ask how long the artists have been doing tattoos. You can also ask what kind of experience and training they have. Most will be more than happy to answer your questions.

You should also take a look around the tattoo parlor. The condition of a shop can tell you a lot about the competence and professionalism of the people working there. If a parlor is a total mess, and things seem hectic and chaotic, this might not be where you want to get your tattoo done.

Let Past Customers Be Your Guide

Do you have friends or acquaintances that have gotten tattoos and were happy with the results? If so, ask them where they got them done.

Many tattoo studios keep portfolios of the work they've done on past clients. So, ask to look at it, and study the quality of the work yourself.

During your visit to a tattoo parlor, you might even find some former clients in the shop, who are back to get another tattoo done. Don't hesitate to ask to take a closer look at their tattoos. And the fact that the shop has repeat customers can be taken as a good sign.

Professional Organizations

While there aren't as many regulations governing the tattoo industry as people would like, there are professional organizations that tattoo artists can belong too. These organizations take the principles of quality, safety, and professionalism seriously. And tattoo artists that belong to such organization probably feel just as strongly about the same principles.

Many of these organizations also require their members to meet certain training and experience requirements, which should help put you at ease.

Consider calling one of these organizations, and asking about members who work in your area. You can also ask for recommendations on which local parlors and artists they consider the best.

Hit the Road

Sometimes, you might not be able to find a tattoo artist you feel comfortable using nearby. In fact, the best tattoo shop you might have heard about might be a one or two hour drive away.

If that is the case, don't hesitate to make that trip. A one or two hour drive is worth it if it means getting the best tattoo possible.

Remember, choosing a good tattoo artist isn't like choosing a good hairstylist. If you get a bad hair cut, or a bad coloring job, you know your hair will grow out and it will be like the mistake never happened. But, if you get a bad tattoo, it will take a lot of pain, time and money to fix.

It is worth your while to take your time when choosing the tattoo artist who will do your tattoo. The good results will be well worth the effort.

Sun Tattoo

Sun Tattoo
Sun Tattoo
Sun Tattoo
Sun Tattoo
Sun Tattoo

Wrist Tattoo

How To Find the Perfect Tattoo Design For You

Wrist Tattoo
Wrist Tattoo
Wrist Tattoo
Wrist Tattoo

Temporary Tattoos

Why They Became Popular

Temporary tattoos or fake tattoos are gaining more preference nowadays. Before, making temporary tattoos was unheard of. There was simply no market for it because wearing one would make you a "poser". If you wanted to get "inked", your only option was a permanent tattoo.

But not a lot of us can handle the pain. Tattoos were usually equated to toughness because let's face it. You need to be really tough in order to handle the pain. There's also the question of choosing tattoo designs. Being permanent, you really have to choose the design wisely. A wrong choice can lead to a lifetime of regret or an expensive tattoo cover up.
Temporary Tattoos
It's a different story nowadays. Wearing temporary tattoos is becoming an option for everyone. It's a good way to express yourself, minus the pain and the hassle of getting a permanent one. You don't need to be tough in order to get one. Even kids can have them. Not to mention the fact that it's way cheaper than permanent ones.

Besides, kids were the first market for it. There's nothing like colorful temporary tattoos to liven up the kids and the party. It's a great source of entertainment. You just need to give them away during a party and the kids will surely have a blast. It's also a great gift for kids.

Adults then joined the fun. Adults realized that it's a good alternative to permanent tattoos. But before, you had to be content with the available designs. Yes, you can easily get them from tattoo parlors but the tattoo designs back then were limited. If you wanted one, your choice would be among roses, butterflies or angels.
Temporary TattoosThankfully, a lot of people recognized the potential of making temporary tattoos. It opened a gateway for more custom temporary tattoo designs. If you have a custom design in mind that you want to wear on your body, you don't have to go to a tattoo artist and get a permanent tattoo. You can easily have your design made into a temporary tattoo. You don't even have to go out of your house, you can easily order it online.

Bird Tattoo Design on Foot

Bird Tattoo Design on Foot
Bird Tattoo Design on Foot
This Tattoo Looks beautiful on Body's Girl but if a Man has Tattoo Like This, I think it's OK Because No Separated of Art on The World. But if we talk about Religion it'll be has own rules

tattoo on breast for girls

Tattoo Galleries

Tattoo Galleries
Tattoo Galleries
Tattoo Galleries
Tattoo Galleries
Tattoo Galleries
Tattoo Galleries
Tattoo Galleries
Tattoo Galleries

Tattoo Designs WIth Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo On Back Body Tattoo Gallery Pictures

Tattoo Designs WIth Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo On Back Body Tattoo Gallery Picture 1

Tattoo Designs WIth Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo On Back Body Tattoo Gallery Picture 2

Tattoo Designs WIth Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo On Back Body Tattoo Gallery Picture 3

Tattoo Designs WIth Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo On Back Body Tattoo Gallery Picture 4

Tattoo Designs WIth Japanese Koi Fish Tattoo On Back Body Tattoo Gallery Picture 5

Tattoo Studio 2

Tattoo StudioTattoo StudioLook for the following items. If you don’t see them, ask the artist about them. If the artist tells you they are unnecessary or “overkill,” leave immediately and go look for another studio. Your health is more important than the risk of using a tattoo artist that is less than totally dedicated to the safest practices in his or her studio.

1. Autoclave - an autoclave is used in hospitals to sterilize equipment. It uses heat, steam, and pressure to kill every organism on the equipment. It usually takes about an hour for an autoclave to run a cycle from a cold start to effectively kill all organisms. You can even ask to see the autoclave and sterilization certificate. The tattoo artist should first clean the equipment and then place it in a special pouch before placing it in the autoclave. There is a strip on the outside of the pouch that indicates when the equipment is sterile. The needle bar and tube are reusable pieces of equipment that must be sterilized before each use.

2. Single Use Items

Single use items should be used only once so that the chances of cross contamination are eliminated. The single use items include:


Ink cups



Most of these items are purchased in sterile packaging that should be opened in front of you just before the artist begins work.
Tattoo StudioTattoo Studio3. Sharps/Biohazard Container

Used needles and objects that have come into contact with blood or bodily fluids should be disposed of in a sharps/biohazard container.

4. A universal container for any ointment, ink, water, etc. should not be used especially if any of these items have been removed from the container to be used on a client.

5. Some studios are required by law to have a sink in the work area supplied with both hot and cold water. Even if it isn’t required by law in your area, it only makes sense to have one for the cleanliness of the studio.

best quality tattoo designs


skull lip tattoos for girls

skull tattoo on lip
this designs macth for brave girls

Combination of Perfect Flower, Butterfly, Dragonfly and Honey Bee Tattoos Design

Combination of Perfect Flower, Butterfly, Dragonfly and Honey Bee Tattoos DesignCombination of Perfect Flower, Butterfly, Dragonfly and Honey Bee Tattoos Design

Flower, Butterfly, Dragonfly and Honey Bee Tattoo become one circuit of Best Tattoo Art
The Animal Pictures competite to have a place in the flower. hahahaha it can be similar with People who want to get the first place on big company

Old School Tattoos

Why The Popularity?
Old School Tattoos
Why the rise in popularity? How did they start and who are the original tattoo artists that brought these bold, bright tattoo designs to us?

If you follow tattooing back to the first part of the century, you will find a few incredibly talented, wonderfully colorful characters. Top among these fine characters is "Sailor Jerry". Story goes, Sailor Jerry began his career traveling around the country on freight trains and tattooing the drifters. He joined the Navy at 19 and sailed the Pacific. If you look at Sailor Jerry's artwork, you can see the influence of Southeast Asia. Sailor Jerry's images have bold deep outlines, bold blocks of color, and large, oversized images.
Old School Tattoos
Old School Tattoo Designs include imagery of stars, hearts and daggers. There are anchors, and nautical themes. What we now would say is "pirate imagery" are all found in Old School Tattoos. Beautiful, busty pin-up girls, suggestive women, skeletons, and skulls. Hearts with daggers through them and roses with massive thorns and ribbons, in bold bright colors with deep outlining. Everything that we now would consider "vintage" is included in the imagery of Old School Tattoos. They have almost a whimsical and animated quality.

Two of Sailor Jerry's students, Ed Hardy and Mike Malone have been extremely influential in keeping interest in, and reviving the Old School Tattoo Designs. Ed Hardy and Mike Malone both use the bold patterns and the bright colors typical in Old School Tattoos. Images are outlined and you can see the Asian influence in the design.

When Sailor Jerry died, he left instructions that one of his students, Ed Hardy or Mike Malone, could buy his tattoo shop in Hawaii. Mike Malone took the offer and with the purchase of the shop, he also got all of Sailor Jerry's artwork. That artwork, or "flash" can now be seen on tattoo shop walls all across America.

Don Ed Hardy, on the other hand, exploded his popularity and brought Old School Tattoo designs to the main stream by licensing his artwork to Christian Audigier. Ed Hardy Designs was formed and Christian Audigier began incorporating the artwork into fashion. This was the first time tattoo design and tattoo artwork has made it to the runways of Paris, New York and Italy. Ed Hardy artwork and tattoo design could now be seen on Rock Stars and Celebrities alike. The Beautiful Old School Tattoo Designs were now part of mainstream culture and highly sought after.
Old School Tattoos

Wing Tattoo Design on Back Body of Man

Wing Tattoo DesignWing Tattoo Design on Back Body of Man
This Tattoos photo so exciting with Tape Recorder Picture on the middle of Wing Tattoo

Small Tattoos

Small Tattoos
There is a lot to be said for the small tattoo. If you are really interested in getting a tattoo, but maybe work in a business that would frown on the full on sleeve tattoo, maybe a beautiful little tattoo is the answer for you.


Just because a tattoo is small, does not mean that it is any less significant. Small tattoo designs can be just as detailed and colorful as a large tattoo. Sometimes if can actually convey your message better.

Name Tattoos
Small Tattoos
If you are thinking about tattooing your significant others name on yourself, you might consider a small tattoo design. I know you think that person will be important to you forever, but realistically, probably not. Look instead for a small tattoo design or symbol that holds significance to you both. This is a lot easier to explain to your new boyfriend "Dave" than a huge "Richard" tattooed across the back of your neck. Also, if you just are lusting after that tribal tattoo, but don't really have the nerve or circumstances to put it on you shoulder, consider a small tribal tattoo design on your foot or ankle. Maybe your wrist or upper shoulder. There are so many places on the body that are perfect for the small tattoo, you could easily have many and no one would know. That is, of course, if you don't want anyone to know.

Less Is More

The small tattoo design follows that age old principle, Less Is More. A beautiful little heart, a small set of angel wings, a tiny tribal, butterfly, Celtic cross, dolphin, whatever, can make a bolder statement than a full back tattoo. Well, I suppose that isn't really true. A full back tattoo makes a huge statement, but if you are looking into small tattoo designs, I don't think that is the statement you are looking to make.

Your Secret Tattoo
Small Tattoos
Your small tattoo is like a secret you hold. It may not be immediately noticeable at first, but as you get to know someone, that secret is revealed. They don't call you" that guy or girl with the fried eggs tattooed on his or her head or back, whatever. They remember you, and then remember your tattoo. Your small tattoo is not who you are, but rather something you have.

Get The Best Design

Since 35% of people that get a tattoo regret it, it is really important to choose your tattoo design wisely. You can search all over on line and you will find millions to "free" tattoos, but is that what you really want? Spend a few bucks on the design itself. You are going to spend a small fortune on the tattoo, why not get the best design you can afford.

Where To Get The Best Design

Where do you get the best design" You could seek out an artist and have them draw what you are looking for. You could hire the tattoo artist to design your tattoo.(Most times you pay a drawing fee), Or you could go to one of the tattoo membership sites and check out what they have. This is a great option for most people because you can browse through thousands of artist drawn tattoos. Instead of paying one artist for one drawing, you pay a small membership fee to have access to more good designs than you will ever need. The designs are updated regularly with new artist submissions.

Be Your Own Boss

Once you have your design, take the time to find the best tattoo artist you can afford. Take a good look around the shop. Is it clean? Are the employees happy? Are the customers happy? Does the artist take the time to tell you about how your tattoo will be applied? Do they tell you how to care for your tattoo when they are finished? If not, leave! There are plenty of really professional tattoo artists out there. Do not settle for a shop or artist you are uncomfortable with.

It is your body, it is your tattoo. You make the choices. Enjoy that small tattoo. It probably won't be your last. When someone gets one tattoo, they usually end up with three.

dove tattoo for girls

combinated flower tattoo with dove tattoo